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Dictionary Of Architecture & Construction
博客來-Dictionary Of Architecture & Construction博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010342535
Updated and expanded, this Fourth Edition of the most trusted reference in architecture offers the most comprehensive coverage of architectural and construction terms available. This classic dictionary now features nearly 25,000 definitions (including 2,800 new terms), 2,500 illustrations (including 200 new illustrations), and maintains its extraordinary visual appeal and easy-to-read page design.Prepared by a renowned architectural editor in association with expert contributors and incorporating the work of many standards groups, the book presents clear, concise definitions of terms in nearly 80 working areas. The Fourth Edition covers new industry terms which have emerged due to changes in engineering and building technologies, organizations, materials, and legal developments, and has been expanded to include more historic architectural styles. New terms include:LegalArchitectural Barriers ActWheelchair AccessibleMaterialsFibrous ConcreteLatex MortarPolymer-Based StuccoConcrete Compliance ConformityRefractory MortarOrganizationsBuilding Research Establishment (formerly Building Research Station) of Great BritainASTMHistoric Architectural StylesAnglo-PalladianismFrench VictorianIsabellinoMudajarMozarabicNeo-Rococo
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